AEK: All you need is a… microphone and the… gargling with the elite referees! | Blog – George Tsakiris

Giorgos Tsakiris writes about Gagatsis and the explanations he owes from what he (didn’t) say and recalls what was happening with the referees and suddenly nobody cares…

If nothing else from midnight on Monday, into the early hours of Tuesday, until the end of the media strike, we had a day full of serious issues (and) around football and team managements, such as that of Olympiakoubut also his PAOK thanks to what Makis Gagatsis said. We will deal with the latter to a significant extent in this blog, with what concerns the criminal prosecution of the red and white PAE, let the justice do it themselves, but the media should obviously do it too and highlight it as they would it was true if it happened to other executives and owners of football teams. Because I imagine one can easily understand what would have happened on a certain channel if there had been corresponding developments for it AEK for example, here they did whole issues about the… waste of the company’s ships owned by him Mario Iliopoulos, if they had such… sea bass, they would have it as the first topic on a (supposedly) big channel!

Anyway, Greecethe… mountains in the snow are common and we are not surprised at all. As it is not -unfortunately- a surprise that the current president of the EPOwho has a terrible communications staff (if he has a personal staff, the report has nothing to do with the people who work in the Federation), as demonstrated for the umpteenth time in his TV appearance and interview attempt… The Makis Gagatsis he belongs to that category of people where you say “to him, give him a microphone to speak, he doesn’t need anything more to expose himself and more”! That’s right though… That’s why I’m focusing on his woeful communications staff, which should be protecting him from allowing himself to be exposed to such an extent with so little time in the FA presidency. Disappointment has also been shown in the simple ones, in statements about matches for example, as it proved in the doubles in England…

However, we are not talking about a minor, but about a person who is supposed to know the inside of things in football, so it is an obligation to explain what he said about her match AEK with him Mars in Thessaloniki, that of the play offs he means, apparently he didn’t mind the championship that ended 3-3 and the Union laughed at Sidiropoulos’ criminal refereeing mistakes, they were not mentioned, that’s why the panhellenic is laughing, nor at the current natural crimes against of his team Almeida in the league, it’s what obviously has to happen, there’s no other way to explain it. So he must be called to give all the proofs that he would give if o PAOK was losing the championship and sought (once again in his history) to claim it on paper (like in 2018 and when he would lose again wherever he went – to claim on paper and that title – they would say that the AEK got it on paper, ridiculousness)

What happened to the elite referees guys? It no longer concerns…

He no longer speaks like a PAE employee PAOK but having the position of its president EPOit is the duty of justice to call him to give an explanation and if he fails to turn him into an accused and show him as a cheap slanderer! The world of course knows the whole truth, even about the joke of his claim about 2017 (and alleged alliances, we’re talking this will literally mean, mud on the fan) when it is understood that the PAOK he was at 50% in the decision centers and he also had the upper hand… And he remained at 50%, he knows it well, until last season, because the fairy tale is good but it has no dragon. The image of its president EPO in the failure interview he gave was of a man who still functions as a member PAE and not as her boss EPO and of Greek football, I repeat the image, I do not claim that it even does. That’s why his communication staff must… pick him up, if he doesn’t have it, it’s a good time to get one, different from the one that advises him and leads him to expose himself every little bit…

It will also be good to finally deal with the serious stuff, such as having elite class referees whistle the important matches, even now because in the play offs they won’t find it easy… Once again in a derby of great substance and between the two (from of the three) teams leading the standings, of AEK and Olympiakos, NOT was defined referee from the elite class, but the German first class. And if it wasn’t for those who …screamed and had ALL their Media write about this specific event on a daily basis, maybe we wouldn’t put so much emphasis on this whole …paragoda! But it is not possible that they cannot find an elite referee even now, shortly after the break and before the foreign leagues even enter the final stretch of the first round. They clearly don’t try and probably don’t want to… These are the serious things and not to hear the president of the EPO discuss as a member of the group who was an employee, he may miss it, he feels obliged to do it, I don’t blame him for this, but no one cares!

Unfortunately as it turns out the whole scene with the elite referees existed in the past to be made by the dependent (not all, but damn many) media a policy to the detriment of the previous situation in the EPO. Now in 90% of the derbies that have been played so far, they have whistled first class and not elite class and as the public, fans or simply sports fans can easily see, nothing is heard. It goes without saying that in comments, in messages, in questions of a rhetorical nature, it has become an issue and everyone is discussing it, since the question is justifiably expressed: “less elites are now playing in the big matches, by 80%, but now the media don’t even mention it, they just they write about who the referee is.” And really guys what’s the matter: what happened? Still haven’t found elite? Which we read in the last two years when in some matches it was not possible to find a referee from the top category. It doesn’t bother anymore, they did it…gargle after the job that needed to be done, was done…


Hi: In matters related to the possibility of cooperating with Marios Iliopoulos for the sake of AEK with Baltakos (for Leonidas Thomaidis written) with a view to the background of football, we are waiting to see what exactly will apply, if there will be substantial cooperation and what kind it will be. Then we will be able to deal in depth and highlight whether there is a reason, or not, for such moves to be made in this direction as well. That is, if it constitutes a … bulletproof choice as described (and I completely understand what he means) by its former president AEKStratos Yidopoulos. We are here and we have issues to deal with.


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